TK was commissioned by Andrew as a Christmas present for his wife.

Sadly TK recently passed suddenly and we didn’t have a huge selection of photos. The one we did have was really gorgeous, but it was a little grainy, so there wasn’t quite as much fur detail as you would generally see in a pencil portrait. Isn’t be beautiful? He looks so loyal looking up with those big eyes! A bit of a funny angle at the bottom that didn’t look quite right, so I blended that in with the background. That came out really well and made it quite 3D. Both Andrew and his wife really loved the portrait and sent me the most gorgeous video of her opening it which was really sweet!. Being able to provide clients with such loved and treasured portraits is so rewarding and special :)

TK, Pencil Portrait, 10 x 12 inch

TK, Pencil Portrait, 10 x 12 inch

Client Testimonial from Andrew

Andrew sent me a video of his wife opening the portrait, it was really touching and so special to see!